
Usha hosts virtual co-working via Zoom, 4 days a week

This is a wonderful way to build community with like-mined creative entrepreneurs.

You can sign up for co-working on Patreon

Co-Working Schedule

  • Tuesdays 2pm-4pm Pacific Time

  • Wednesdays 9am-11am Pacific Time

  • Thursdays 9am-11am Pacific Time

  • "Focus Fridays" 9am-11am Pacific Time


Basic structure of 2 hour virtual co-working sessions

  • 15 minutes to join, share goal or plan for work session

  • 1.25 hours/75 minutes (cameras & microphones OFF) for co-working - feel free to share playlists or favorite podcasts in Zoom chat

  • Up to 30 minutes to follow up on how the session was, were you able to get through your plan, ask questions of the group, or just chat

  • Optional extension: for those who want to stay on, host administration will be assigned to someone to keep the Zoom open.

Community statement

This virtual co-working community is a diverse, inclusive, and respectful space. We are a group of individuals with a high level of motivation and dedication to build our creative businesses. We are entering into each others workspaces and time together with the following intentions:

  • Set a mini goal or plan for the work session

  • Respect the work environment and colleagues’ work intentions

  • Use the Zoom chat (unmonitored) to communicate with colleagues during the work session, understanding that people may not be at their screen during this time

  • Use the Patreon group to stay in touch, exchange ideas & resources, and ask questions in between co-working

Sign up for virtual co-working