Usha hosts virtual co-working via Zoom, 4 days a week
This is a wonderful way to build community with like-mined creative entrepreneurs.
You can sign up for co-working on Patreon
Co-Working Schedule
Tuesdays 2pm-4pm Pacific Time
Wednesdays 9am-11am Pacific Time
Thursdays 9am-11am Pacific Time
"Focus Fridays" 9am-11am Pacific Time
Basic structure of 2 hour virtual co-working sessions
15 minutes to join, share goal or plan for work session
1.25 hours/75 minutes (cameras & microphones OFF) for co-working - feel free to share playlists or favorite podcasts in Zoom chat
Up to 30 minutes to follow up on how the session was, were you able to get through your plan, ask questions of the group, or just chat
Optional extension: for those who want to stay on, host administration will be assigned to someone to keep the Zoom open.
Community statement
This virtual co-working community is a diverse, inclusive, and respectful space. We are a group of individuals with a high level of motivation and dedication to build our creative businesses. We are entering into each others workspaces and time together with the following intentions:
Set a mini goal or plan for the work session
Respect the work environment and colleagues’ work intentions
Use the Zoom chat (unmonitored) to communicate with colleagues during the work session, understanding that people may not be at their screen during this time
Use the Patreon group to stay in touch, exchange ideas & resources, and ask questions in between co-working